+1 937.476.1749 info@tacfi.us

What is an Army Ranger?

An Army Ranger is a highly trained and specially selected soldier who undergoes rigorous assessment and training to join the elite 75th Ranger Regiment. Rangers are known for their exceptional resilience, intelligence, and leadership abilities. They willingly endure hardship and challenges to become part of an organization dedicated to excellence and continuous improvement. Rangers embody values such as integrity, selflessness, and professionalism, and they excel in executing high-risk missions with precision and effectiveness.

TACFI’s Culture

As a former Army Ranger, I can attest that bringing the Rangers’ organizational culture into our company was transformative for its success. Just as Rangers are specially selected, our team members, chosen for their alignment with the company’s values and vision, are meticulously recruited to ensure they possess the necessary skills and mindset for success.

Like Rangers, our team members are resilient individuals who thrive in challenging environments. They have been screened for emotional stability and have developed a mindset that embraces adversity as an opportunity for growth. This resilience enables them to navigate obstacles with grace and determination, ensuring the company remains agile and adaptable in the face of change.

Moreover, our team members are knowledgeable and committed to continuous learning and improvement. Their ability to process information quickly and solve complex problems efficiently gives our company a competitive edge, allowing it to innovate and stay ahead of the curve.

Just as Rangers are disagreeable givers, our team members are not afraid to challenge the status quo and speak up when they see opportunities for improvement. Their constructive dissent fosters a culture of innovation and accountability, driving the company toward excellence.

Furthermore, our team members embody the principles of quiet professionalism, focusing on their work with humility and dedication. They are intrinsically motivated by the company’s mission and values rather than external recognition, ensuring that they remain committed to driving the company’s success over the long term.

Finally, leadership is ingrained in the DNA of our team members, just as it is in the Rangers. Regardless of their position, they are empowered to lead and inspire others, fostering a culture of collaboration and excellence that propels the company forward.

By harnessing the values of the Rangers within our company, we can cultivate a high-performance culture that drives innovation, fosters resilience, and empowers every team member to contribute their best towards the company’s success.

To learn more about the incredible history of the 75th Ranger Regiment, please see our recommendation sources below.








The Reaper by Nicholas Irving

The Ranger Way by Kris Paronto

Leave No Man Behind by Dr. Tony Brooks

Sua Sponte by Dick Couch

Violence of Action by Marty Skovlund

Black Hawk Down by Mark Bowden

A Night in the Pech Valley by Grant McGarry

The Road to Unafraid by Jeff Struecker

Back in the Fight by Joseph Kapacziewski

The Great Raid on Cabanatuan by William B. Breuer

Relentless Strike by Sean Naylor